ARBITRIUM ADVOCATS, is made up of various lawyers specialising in different aspects of the law.
The principal specialties of the firm are: SEPARATIONS AND DIVORCES, as well as TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS.
The innumerable divorce proceedings handled by this professional law firm is the best guarantee any firm can provide in this type of proceeding and there is no greater reference than the large percentage of divorces settled by mutual consent.MORE
After many years assisting in separations and divorces, ARBITRIUM ADVOCATS, is one of the few professional law firms specialists in the PREPARATION OF MARRIAGE CONTRACTS, although the origin of these contracts must be sought in the Anglo-Saxon culture, we know that within a few years these contracts will be even more common than Divorce Settlement Agreements themselves.
With regard to traffic accidents, ARBITRIUM ADVOCATS enjoys the collaboration of one of the most prestigious medical experts in Catalunya, not only due to his professionalism and trajectory, but through his human condition and experience before the Courts of Justice.